Our Story

Hi, my name is Alexandria. Just in case you don't know where you are... we are in a United Nation in the year 2103. Myself and my colleagues have been traveling this nation speaking to different people, telling our story. We have been on a great voyage . We decided about 7 years ago to begin to study other found universes in depth. We soon spotted because of our satellite and voyager technology that their seemed to be a planet with similar physical makeup to earth. This planet was in no way a copy of Earth but because of similarities we decided to study more in depth. Before long we found evidence, that maybe there was life on this planet. We then began to plan and construct a space vehicle that would allow us to travel to this world with minimum r isk. We also decided if any way possible we would not interfere with their lives, but observe for scientific research. So, when we found this planet... I remembered by mother telling me about her grandmother, named Rebecca, who had to do th is project (that she really enjoyed) about creating a world. She later married a gorgeous man and thankfully had children. In honor of all our great great grandparents we decided to name this planet the name they gave their planet... DUALLUS .